When it comes to communicating with your customers, electronic newsletters are a powerful tool to highlight your expertise and experience. Since we live in a society in which most of us are glued to our phones even when we are out of the office, a well-designed newsletter can be an effective means to quickly continue to strengthen your brand.
Vol. 17 No. 3 – April 2017
Express Yourself with Surface Retarder
While some concrete contractors might consider surface retarder to be a purely utilitarian product to provide traction, Tom Ralston of Tom Ralston Concrete sometimes uses it more like a paint brush on a hard, horizontal canvas. Or a turkey baster.
In Search of New Revenue? Offer Concrete Resealing Option as Part of Your Bid
What if I told you that you could get paid over and over again for a project you completed a year or two ago. Would you be interested? No, this isn’t some slick marketing idea or even a take-off of a multilevel marketing or pyramid scheme. Rather, this is working smarter not harder with a fair amount of common sense mixed in.
Decorative Concrete LIVE! Wowed Attendees
Two of the participants that wowed the crowds with their talents share some insights on how they work their magic through texture and color.