Every year, schools and municipalities spend millions of dollars replacing old worn-out carpet and vinyl composite tiles. The cost of replacing these traditional flooring materials is quite expensive and in most cases not at all green. For the past several years facilities are looking at polished concrete as an option.
Vol. 17 No. 5 – July 2017
How to Use the Cartesian Coordinates to Plot Points for Designs
One of the most influential theories of math is called the Cartesian coordinates. The adjective, Cartesian, refers to the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes who published this idea in 1637. Cartesian coordinates are the foundation of analytic geometry.
Why Metallic Floors Continue to be Popular
As metallic coatings grow in popularity, the competition is heating up. Bear in mind that the key to a mesmerizing metallic floor is the artist behind it.
Vertical Carving Artist Creates Themed Spaces
Being in the construction industry his whole life, Dion Battles made the unsurprising leap to decorative concrete, specifically the vertical carving and theming part of the industry, after the nationwide recession hit the residential building industry hard in 2007.
Concrete Flooring Restoration Highlights Sanctuary’s Conversion
Built in Missouri in 1927, the First Presbyterian Church of St. Louis’ sanctuary was recently renovated to modernize its look and feel, while preserving its historic Gothic style. Improvements to the sanctuary’s floor, specifically two rectangular sections under the pews, were vital to this upgrade.
Cordless Tools are a Must-Have On a Concrete Job Site
If you’ve been ogling the new cordless tools but think they’re just for the do-it-yourself crowd, or wonder if they’d stand up to a full day’s work on a hot — or frigid — job site, it’s time to take another look.
Remediating Moisture in Concrete Doesn’t have to be Complicated
Moisture problems in concrete slabs old and new can play havoc with decorative concrete projects and other flooring strata in several ways, including bubbling, blistering and blushing of color. It’s commonly an interior problem because breathable products that reduce the threat are more commonly used in exterior applications.
For Outdoor Rooms, Consumer Tastes Extend Beyond the Basics
Concrete patios and pool decks have long set a standard for basic backyards. But today’s consumers want much more than the basics and the industry is complying. Due to more efficient tools and techniques, complex designs can be installed quicker, easier and at a fraction of the cost.
Why Search Engine Algorithms Change and How to Capitalize on the Changes
In the early days of social media marketing, you could post virtually any piece of content and, realistically, expect to see engagement from about 15 to 20 percent of your followers, fans or friends — depending on the day and just how many were online at that time.
Glow-in-the-dark Patio: Way Cool for School
Jason Geiser, owner of Deco-Crete Supply in Orrville, Ohio, thought a broad, sloping hill at his three children’s new school needed something to transform it from a virtually unusable space to an inviting outdoor classroom. He and the school officials came up with a project that revolved around Geiser building an amphitheater.