If you’re new to sawing concrete, or if your business only requires you to do the work occasionally, you might want to acquaint yourself with the Blade Application Code for Diamond Saw Blades from the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Vol. 18 No. 3 – April 2018
What Concrete Sealer Should You Choose?
Acrylic sealers range in quality, price and effectiveness. They won’t all produce the same results, so you’ll want to consider the look and qualities important to you.
How to Handle Cracks in Concrete
When I first got into the concrete business, a very revered contractor shared some sage advice. He said, “David, there are only three things you can guarantee a customer when you’re working with concrete. No. 1: Concrete will always get hard. No. 2: No matter what you do, concrete will […]
Choosing the Best Blade for the Concrete Task
Diamonds may be forever in jewelry and James Bond movies, but when it comes to the workaday world, not so much. If they were, a good diamond saw blade could be passed on from father to son.
Evaporation Retardants and Finishing Aids Can Make Concrete More Workable
While water should never be added during concrete’s finishing process, products such as evaporation retardants and finishing aids can effectively help promote workability.
World of Concrete 2018 Annual Rite of Winter was Ripe with Innovation
World of Concrete 2018 exceeded everyone’s expectations in January by attracting more than 58,000 registered professionals and nearly 1,600 participating companies, including about 300 brand-new exhibitors. The 43rd such show to date, the signature event encompassed almost 750,000 square feet of exhibit space, of which Decorative Concrete LIVE! claimed nearly […]
Stripping Concrete Before Resealing Yields the Best Results
Anything worth doing is worth doing right. Don’t cut corners and expect quality results. These may sound like clichés designed to get folks to toe the line but more often than not, I’ve found them to be absolutely true.
ICFs Play Big Part in Energy-Efficient Schools’ Design
Construction using insulated concrete forms (ICFs) doesn’t instantly turn design and building projects “green” or “sustainable” all by themselves. But as part of a system of energy-saving designs, ICF manufacturers and specifiers say the concrete-wall construction system can play a major role in achieving energy-efficiency objectives and reeling in LEED […]
Concrete Apartment Building Emphasizes ‘Square Frame as a Whole’
Situated in the Otowa district of Tokyo’s Bunkyo ward, the Modelia Days apartment building is very close to the Gokokuji temple, which was established in the Edo era (1603-1868) as a place of prayer for members of the shogunate, a feudal regime of Japan.
Church Street Gym Revived with Pro Bond Concrete Overlay
A little-known fact about New Castle, Indiana, (for everyone not a Hoosier) is that it’s home to the world’s largest high school gymnasium. Basketball fever is so rampant in this small town of 18,000 that the community raised the money needed to build a high school gym that seats 9,325 […]