Before there was stamping, before the emergence of acid staining, an exposed aggregate finish was the decorative concrete choice by many.
Vol. 18 No. 4 – May/June 2018
International Decorative Concrete Industry Evolves
For those of us who work in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe, we take for granted the quality of our everyday materials, let alone how easy they are to obtain. In developing countries, the amount of time and cost involved in getting everything needed for a job can be staggering. But staggering to who?
Choosing the Right Concrete Sealer Depends on the Job
Sometimes it pays to think outside the box. Justin Vollmerhausen of Colorado Hard Surfaces did just that, and now he has stamped concrete patios that still look like new after five years
Transforming Wood Decks with Decorative Concrete
Building owners are asking contractors around the country to create decorative outdoor concrete features on areas not normally associated with concrete surfaces such as decks and roofs.
Companies Expand Company-wide Safety Programs
While new regulations, and the associated steps required for compliance, can create stress across the industry, these rules make sense. According to OSHA, workers who inhale small crystalline silica particles are at increased risk of suffering serious lung and kidney issues.
Polishing Concrete to Expose the Aggregate
Viridian Architectural Design initially wanted to resurface the ground floor of the circa 1875-1895 Fulton County Courthouse in Rochester, Indiana, with terrazzo, but the money for the pricey topping wasn’t in the budget. Still, the county was after a stone look to complement the other floors in the building. Polishing […]
Press Releases Still Relevant Marketing Strategy
The Museum of Public Relations considers the first press release to be a statement written by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1906, disclosing the events surrounding a train derailment. That statement spawned an industry.
Access Panels Open Up Flooring Possibilities
When you enter the showroom of Faciliteq, a company headquartered in Las Vegas that specializes in high-performance architectural interiors and sells Artego panels, you’ll be wowed by the artful possibilities of raised flooring.
Gray Scheme Dominant Choice for Decorative Concrete
Gray seems to be dominating current color schemes for everything. As I’m not a fan, I hope this trend ends soon. Forcing me to work in gray almost makes me turn down jobs. But work is better than being idle so if gray is your prospect’s preferred hue, here are a couple of important points to think about when talking to clients.
California Artisan Focuses on Concrete Restoration and Repair
Kevin Brown is a soft-spoken, humble-yet-accomplished man who got into the business of concrete work through his family. As he describes it, he knew from a young age that he wanted to follow in the family footsteps.