The third annual Decorative Concrete LIVE! continues to showcase innovative construction applications for residential and retail at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas Jan. 22-25, 2019
Vol. 18 No. 6 – August/September 2018
Tip-Top Concrete Tables and Counters
Concrete Decor salutes artisans nationwide for their ingenuity and creativity in designing tables and countertops. Here are 10 of our discoveries.
Chemical Surfactants Can Cut Steps in Concrete Polishing
Chemical surfactants such as Prosoco’s Consolideck First Cut and KickStart Clarity Enhancer from Curecrete Distribution’s Retroplate System can boost productivity and improve results in the early grind stages of concrete polishing projects. David Stratton, president of Pacific Decorative Concrete in Sacramento, says there are two main reasons contractors use such […]
Designing a Basic Tile Pattern on Concrete
Now that summer is here I’m in full design mode on multiple projects that mostly involve basic tile patterns. Since I’m back in major math mode, I thought I’d share a challenging design project I did a couple of years ago for a client in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
What is the Best Way to Maintain Polished Concrete?
On a regular basis, many of us are asked: “What is the best way to maintain polished concrete?” Is there one method proven to be superior?
In this article, we’ll explore some field testing reviews and compare traditional DIPs (diamond-impregnated pads) to a newer floor maintenance system involving composite resin abrasives (CRAs).
Contractors Should Have a Resource Network in Place
The air temperature is 97 degrees F, the concrete arrives late and it turns out it’s a hot load. A set retarder is added, which only makes matters worse. The concrete now sits for eight hours before you can do anything with it. Now what?
Bible Museum’s Dirt Floors Made with Concrete
The request from JMC: Museum Arts LLC to Sundek of Washington was an odd one. “Can you make floors that look like dirt?” JMC asked. Not dirty floors, mind you, dirt floors.
Product Warranties Can Be a Boost for Business
Peace of mind seems to be a rare commodity these days. So, if you could become involved in a program that helps offer that to you and your clients— and possibly helps grow your business, as well— wouldn’t you leap at the opportunity?
Summer Summit Promotes Healthier Business Relationships
If there is one fact that stands above everything else in this industry, it’s when decorative concrete industry professionals connect with one another in person great things happen.
Concrete Expectations: Set the Bar Properly at the Onset
Setting the bar properly for your clients on the onset ensures happier customers in the long run.