I love when our house is full of family and friends. My wife, Sheri, on the other hand, tends to be a little apprehensive about preparations because there are so many things to do before guests arrive. I know there are things to do ahead of time, but I’m more […]
Vol. 19 No. 8 – November/December 2019
Polished Concrete Continues to Gain Momentum as Flooring Choice
As polished concrete becomes more mainstream for floors, it continues to gain momentum across the board. In fact, industry statistics show that it is now 15-20% of the total flooring installed each year. For decades, most architects, general contractors and facility owners tended to lump floor covering/flooring and polished concrete […]
Waste Glass in Concrete has Advantages and Disadvantages
According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report, the total amount of waste material has increased from 88 million tons in 1960 to 262 million tons in 2015. In 2015, 26% of the waste materials was recycled, 9% was composted, 13% was combusted with energy recovery and 52% was disposed of in landfills.
Quality Epoxy Owner Decides Metallics are the Only Way to Roll
When he founded his company, Jon Kopp only offered solid colors. Over the years as competition began to heat up, he started offering a five-layer chip system with 5/8-inch chip, and metallic epoxy started to call his name more and more.
Concrete Table Brings a Community Together
There’s a massive table in Asheville, North Carolina, crafted from precast GFRC and an 18-foot-long red oak log. Tipping the scales at 12,000 pounds, the elusive log alone took the men behind the table more than a year to find. And once they did it was “a bit of a dance” to make the table whole.
Products and Demos Promoted at the 2019 Concrete Decor Show
By no means is this an inclusive list of interesting finds, there was plenty of products and demos to explore at the 2019 Concrete Decor Show at the Arlington Convention Center. Kingdom Products With some things, it’s what goes up first that can really matter. The trainers used Imperial Core […]
Best Liked Training Programs According to Survey by Concrete Decor
Asked to list the decorative concrete classes they judge the best, respondents cited The Concrete Countertop Institute, based in Raleigh, North Carolina, and operated by Jeff Girard and Lane Mangum, 34 times. Girard and Mangum have contributed articles to Concrete Decor and presented programs at the Concrete Decor Show in the past.
KidZania Project Features Decorative Concrete for the Pint-sized
Many people get into the construction trades because of the ongoing challenge of building something new. Imagine the thrill of helping to build a whole new city — in 14 weeks. That’s exactly what production manager Jeff Parker, superintendent Juan Garza and a team ranging from eight to 15 artisans […]
Decorative Concrete Hall of Fame Adds Four More
Four men joined the ranks of those honored in the Decorative Concrete Hall of Fame. This took place at an induction ceremony and dinner held Oct. 28, 2019, at the 2019 Concrete Decor Show in Arlington, Texas: Marshall Barabasch Sr., head of Shaw & Sons Special Project Division; Lance Boyer, […]
2019 Concrete Decor Show
Returns to Texas
The atmosphere was inviting and the modest but eager crowd engaged at the 2019 Concrete Decor Show in Arlington, Texas, Oct. 28-31. Many of those who attended reported it was a great time to reconnect with old friends, establish new contacts, discover products and tools, and witness some of the industry’s elite — such as Troy Lemon, Emil Gera, Rick Lobdell, Cindee Lundin and Jake Brady — lead workshops on the convention floor.