Michael Littlefield founded Mlange Studio in 2006, so he could transition his business away from stamping and into interior applications, furniture and decor. Michael Littlefield’s first close encounter with concrete happened in the spring of 1980 when he was just 5 years old. His family was building a new house, […]
Vol. 7 No. 4 – June/July 2007
CT-8 Cleaner and Toughener from Smith Paint Products
Smith Paint Products’ new concrete cleaner, CT-8 Cleaner and Toughener, does what all cleaners should. But CT-8 doesn’t just remove dirt. It chemically changes concrete to strengthen the adhesion of decorative stains and sealers.
How To Achieve a Long-Lasting Floor: New Polyacrylate Terrazzo
Terrazzo is one of the most beautiful and long-lasting floor technologies in the world. It is often found where there is high traffic (airports, malls, retail) or frequent cleaning required (hospitals, restaurants)
Relationship Marketing to Grow Your Business
Decades ago our country moved from an industrial economy to a service-based economy. More recently, that service-based economy has further evolved into an experience-based economy. Customers are wanting — and businesses are providing — an added experience and feel to compliment customer service.
Border Tools and Designs
Classic Native American patterns, wild horses, tropical fish: today’s border-stamp makers are living on the edge.
Customers Who Need Special Handling
We all need new business, but distinguishing between reasonable and unreasonable buyers is important. The difference between a deal breaker and an issue that is merely an obstacle can be a loss or profit of thousands of dollars.
Choices in Fiber Reinforcement for Concrete
Fiber reinforcement protects concrete in two ways. Mainly, it minimizes cracking from plastic shrinkage that occurs as the concrete dries during the first 24 hours after placement. Also, it helps hold the concrete together if cracks develop after the concrete has hardened. Several types of fibers are available for decorative concrete applications.
Concrete Pottery With a Twist
Gerald Parker says he became more creative with concrete. Using a sand mold, concrete could be formed into any shape. With his Fine Arts degree and background with work as a mason, he decided to make pottery.
Tips and Tricks: Concrete Countertop Maintenance
From "food-safe" to "sacrificial coating," kitchen concrete countertop maintenance will have you upgrading your vocabulary along with your tool kit. Here’s how to speak the language.
Secrets to Special Effects with Concrete Stains
The nation’s best decorative concrete artisans have years of experience laying down color combinations that glow, spark and shimmer. Even better, they’re willing to share their secrets with you.