It has been said that mistakes in life are what build character, and the same can be said about finishing concrete. Your finishing technique can make the difference between an almost perfect finish with clearly visible blemishes and an artistically rendered hand-troweled surface filled with character.
Vol. 8 No. 6 – September/October 2008
Concrete Overlay Used for More than Just Concrete Floors
When the Cincinnati Reds had to redo two cracked and peeling dugout roofs, they needed a decorative concrete contractor who could not only repair the cracked slabs, but get that Reds red right.
Cement, Aggregate and Reinforcement in Concrete Countertops
Countertop concrete is not your grandfather’s concrete. It requires new approaches to the basic elements of mix design and reinforcement. This in-depth look takes you inside the bag.
Building Your Knowledge Bank Leads to Success in Decorative Concrete
In today’s economy, it is even more important to make an investment in the bank. In this case I’m not referring to money in the bank, though that is important. I’m referring to knowledge in your brain bank.
How to Install Faux Rock Panels
Rock panels are a popular feature in many homes and businesses across the country. With so many companies specializing in this niche, it is natural that there are a variety of methods for installing the panels. Concrete Decor asked three companies how they told their customers to install faux rock panels.
Does Marketing Green Concrete Work?
All across the country leading decorative concrete contractors are going green — no matter what colors their clients request. Some contractors are emphasizing green marketing messages in their advertising, brochures, Web sites and sales presentations. This article examines two leading contractors to answer the question: Does green marketing give you a competitive advantage that wins business?
Scott Cohen, Concrete Artisan, Turns Lifelong Passion into Successful Business
Have you ever asked potential customers to dress like pirates to make a sale? Outdoor-concrete expert Scott Cohen did — and it worked.
Using Decorative Concrete to Address Drainage Issues
Although aesthetics are certainly a key component in any decorative concrete project, that doesn’t mean function should take a back seat. When a Joplin, Mo., homeowner was experiencing drainage and erosion problems, Jim Snodgrass installed a series of walls and stairways that not only controlled water flow, but was visually pleasing to the rest of the high-end subdivision.
Planning for Success in Polished Concrete
There are new profit opportunities in polished concrete for the decorative concrete contractor. This is a fact, and every decorative concrete contractor should look into polished concrete. However, nothing ever caused more people to go broke than too much optimism and too little planning.
Deciding Which Types of Decorative Concrete are Right for You
You have, are or will make decisions on your decorative journey, and they will affect you and your family. Our industry, decorative concrete, has so many layers and many types of overlap. This magazine makes it obvious your choices are vast, but make no mistake, each decorative type requires different kinds of training, investment and manpower.