When New Leaf Community Markets decided to construct a new 20,000-square-foot location in Santa Cruz, Calif., the flooring was one feature the company wanted to be unique, durable and representative of the beach community in which the natural food store would be located.
Vol. 9 No. 4 – June/July 2009
Flatwork Forms For Placing Concrete
An overview of some of the different forms on the market and which might be the best options for your project.
The Rising Popularity of Custom Concrete Pool Decks
When offered the chance to help customers relax with cool pool designs, these veteran design crews dove right in.
Sorting Out Responsibility When New Work Fails
When a problem occurs with a recently installed decorative concrete job, who is responsible? I understand that this is a loaded question, and there are lots of factors to consider, but the question still stands.
Achieving the Look of Acid Stain With a Water-based Alternative
Tucked into the stadium that houses the Detroit Tigers, this sports bar features a lush decorative concrete floor.
The Ins and Outs of Polyaspartic Coatings
Funny name, serious benefits: Polyaspartic coatings and sealers boast rapid cure times, UV stability, abrasion resistance and more.
Designing Concrete That Is Maintenance Free
Maintenance is something that torments most decorative concrete contractors, unless, that is, there is a significant maintenance profit center to their business. In the case of The Concretist, there is not.
Wet or Dry Polishing?
What Is Right For Your Job
What is the best concrete polishing process for your job? Should you polish concrete wet or dry? To determine the answer, you must ask the following questions before each job. What is the condition of the concrete floor, the environment it occupies, and the desired look of the finished product? […]
How Polyaspartic Coatings and Concrete Countertops Work Together
For decorative concrete artisans, an exciting new direction for polyaspartic coatings is countertops and sinks. One contractor, Dave Paterson of Desert Canyon Epoxy Floor Coatings, based in Scottsdale, Ariz., has elevated the technique he uses for commercial floors to counter level.
Indoor Waterfalls Add Unique Look to Any Space
Weeping walls are a water feature in which the water trickles down the side of a wall, a piece of glass or a similar surface. They can be built inside or outside, but they are becoming more popular in residential homes.