Flying Turtle Cast Concrete, Modesto, Calif., built this 10,000-pound all-concrete bridge at a homeowner’s estate in Woodbridge, Calif. Looks like something out of a fairy tale, doesn’t it?
The work started with a wood mock-up of the bridge placed over the pit where the pool would go to make sure everything would fit.
The two 18-foot arches were cast in-shop and craned in. The steps were precast as well. Flying Turtle does not pour in place.
Note the decorative flourishes in three places on each arch. Those colored bits are art glass and inlaid precious stones, such as tiger eyes, pink quartz, turquoise and jade.
The bridge was designed by Flying Turtle artisan-in-chief Mat Rogers, who was brought in by the general contractor of the landscaping project. Flying Turtle even selected and purchased the precious stones.
The images tell the rest of the story. Enjoy.