Concrete Art

Concrete art involves concrete and other cement-based materials to fabricate or coat surfaces where color, texture and shapes are key elements of a design.

VandlGuard IsoFree Protects
Restored AIDS Mural in LA

The Blue Moon Trilogy mural — painted in 1988 to honor those who battle and have battled AIDS — is clean, bright and more durable than ever. Credit in large goes to Scott Haskins, president of Fine Art Conservation Laboratories in Santa Barbara, California, and a varnish called VandlGuard IsoFree. […]

Afro-centric Labyrinth Springs Back to Life Thanks to Prosoco Products

After a decade enduring North Carolina’s harsh sunlight, the country’s first Afro-centric labyrinth has been revitalized by Daniel de Wit. It was originally created in Charlotte by Tom Schulz, a nationally recognized labyrinth designer. At the opening ceremony for a labyrinth Schulz had installed at Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center […]

20-foot Carved Concrete Fireplace Stands Out in Parade of Homes

When Troy Lemon the concrete sculptor met up with Troy Wolfiss the home builder, a fireplace of great proportions ensued. Wolfiss, owner of Artisan Craft Homes, busily designed his new home which would be part of the Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids’ Spring Parade of Homes.