Recipe: Decorative Concrete Broom Finish

Broom finish by Super-KreteRecipe by Super-Krete — El Cajon, Calif.

Broom finishes provide an economical alternative to the removal and replacement of existing concrete. This system creates a flexible and durable finish that can be used to re-level, renovate, resurface and create decorative patterns and designs, with or without integral coloring. When sealed, the new finish will resist gas, oils, water, salts, freeze-thaw cycles and ultraviolet rays.

S-12000 Heavy Duty Degreaser
S-1300 Pene-Krete
S-9300/S-9302 Bond-Kote: Gray or White
Super-Krete sealer of choice

Surface to be coated should be kept damp with clean water at all times during application of material. Dampen the surface, not allowing water to puddle.

Prepare a Bond-Kote mixture by adding the desired amount of water to one bag to achieve a flowable, pourable mixture. Mix material well with a jiffy mixer. The actual amount of water needed will vary depending on outside factors such as weather conditions.

Fill spalls and holes with a dry-slump Bond-Kote mixture, feathering the edges with a trowel and water. Allow the patches to dry. Then, mist the entire surface with water, not allowing it to puddle. Pour the Bond-Kote mixture onto the surface. Apply Bond-Kote at an approximate rate of 300 square feet per bag with a squeegee. Two applications are required.

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