For such a simple piece of equipment, Fas-Trak Industries Inc.’s Ultra-Trak offers users a lot of flexibility when it comes to applying densifiers and sealers, says Dan Baird, president of Floor Tech Solutions Inc.
The automated application system can apply concrete chemicals at a rate of up to 25,000 square feet an hour. A company representative points out this is four times faster than conventional methods. Contractors can adjust the machine to apply everything from ultra-thin to flood coats as the situation requires.
Baird found the application system a perfect fit for a job where he had to densify and cure the slab on the same night. “Green slabs are very sensitive,” he says. And with Ultra-Trak, “There’s less weight and less chance to damage those slabs.”
Fas-Trak Industries designed the battery-operated machine to hold up to 5 gallons of product. It also made it so lightweight that one man can carry it up or down a flight of stairs.

Baird, a flooring contractor for 20+ years in the greater Chicago area, bought his first Ultra-Trak some eight years ago. When he recently picked up some large distribution warehouses, he purchased four more.
Machine saves labor, product and spillage
Part of the specs included applying a lithium-based densifier on the same night of the pours. “These pours can range from 3,000 to 85,000 square feet a night,” Baird says.
He says his favorite feature involves the machine’s operation and simplicity. “There are no fancy boards or controls,” he says.
Baird performs most of his work late at night. “So, if you break down, it’s you against the world,” he says. However, that scenario is unlikely with Ultra-Traks, he adds. He’s used them to densify 5 million square feet and only had one circuit board issue the entire time.
“A lot of people use standard pumps to apply densifier,” Baird says. “But I prefer an Ultra-Trak.” A worker simply pulls the machine along the surface as it applies a thin, even coat. Overall, the machine saves labor, product and spillage.
Contractors don’t need a generator as batteries power the machines, Baird says. So, he has five or six batteries charged on site and swaps them out as needed. Fas-Trak Industries’ environmentally friendly Ultra-Trak also generates no fumes.
Operators can control the coating’s flow and determine the rate of application as the machine made in the USA has variable speeds. Microfiber applicator pads for the Ultra-Trak range from 24 to 48 inches.