Events & Recognition

Stay abreast with current gatherings and timely events by checking out the latest notices from those in the concrete industry.

ASCC Council Honors Winners of 2017 Decorative Concrete Awards

The Decorative Concrete Council, a specialty council of the American Society of Concrete Contractors, recognized the winners of its ninth annual Decorative Concrete Awards competition Jan. 17 at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas.

The 2016 Inductees

Dan Sieben, one of the founders of Bomanite, along with his Bomanite cohort, John “Jack” Dryden, are among the 2016 honorees. Joe Garceau of Butterfield Colors and George Lacker of GLC3 Concrete and Couture Concrete Systems round out this year’s selection. Sieben and Garceau were honored with plaques at a dinner Sept. 26 during the Concrete Decor Show events in San Diego. Lacker and Dryden were inducted posthumously.

Concrete Decor Show 2017 Promotes Building, Rebuilding and Remodeling with Concrete

Builders and remodelers interested in learning more about how homes and businesses can be fortified with concrete to withstand Florida’s extreme weather conditions and climate should plan to attend the Concrete Decor Show Expo Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 8-9, at the Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club in Palm Harbor, Florida.