Outdoor Spaces

Concrete is the ideal material to use to transform outdoor spaces into outdoor rooms surrounded by stunning hardscapes and equipped with all the comforts of home.

How to Refresh Commercial Outdoor Spaces with Decorative Concrete

Decorative concrete is increasingly gaining popularity as a transformative element that revitalizes commercial outdoor spaces. It serves as a versatile canvas for architects and designers looking to create aesthetically pleasing, durable and cost-effective environments. The material’s adaptability allows for the creation of unique, customized outdoor spaces that not only enhance […]

Setting the Standard for Safety and Craftsmanship in Birmingham

Summer Classics, a high-end local furniture retailer, hired Brandon Meeks and Birmingham Decorative Concrete to install stained concrete and polished overlay flooring in its 10,000 square feet of corporate office space. Brandon Meeks, president and founder of both Birmingham Concrete and Birmingham Decorative Concrete, chats by phone from a newly constructed […]

Restoring a Residential Balcony, Putting a Stop to Moisture Problems

A waterproof residential balcony is a common amenity for custom homes, condominiums, and resort properties. Solid surface balconies are easy to maintain. They also ensure proper stormwater drainage away from the building while protecting outdoor patios below deck. New home designs, including building renovation projects, may include a waterproof balcony. […]

Afro-centric Labyrinth Springs Back to Life Thanks to Prosoco Products

After a decade enduring North Carolina’s harsh sunlight, the country’s first Afro-centric labyrinth has been revitalized by Daniel de Wit. It was originally created in Charlotte by Tom Schulz, a nationally recognized labyrinth designer. At the opening ceremony for a labyrinth Schulz had installed at Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center […]

And now there are two:
Dock featured in Concrete Decor
inspires contractor to build his own

Back in 2017 Jim Sanguedolce got to the last page of his August/September issue of Concrete Decor and saw the Final Pour pictures of a custom stamped concrete dock. It looked like it was floating over a lake … and it made a lasting impression. Right then and there, the owner […]

wood-look concrete designs

Wood Wins in Concrete Designs

Concrete and real wood don’t usually mix well when used together in a design because of wood’s inherent shrinking characteristics. However, wood-look concrete designs can be a winning combination in a variety of ways. Park perks Contractor and regular Concrete Decor contributor Karen Keyes recently wrote about how more and […]