After spending thousands of dollars on a new swimming pool in your backyard, you want to make sure it looks distinctive, and Signature Series Redwood deck drain and expansion joint components are designed to do just that.
Introduced to the market three years ago by Deck-O-Seal, a division of W.R. Meadows Inc., the Signature Series Redwood line offers an alternative to the plain-looking plastic materials commonly used in poolscapes.
“The Signature Series Redwood visually enhances the look of the deck or patio by providing a fresh wood look instead of the old standard white, tan or gray plastic look,” says Jim Dill, division manager for Deck-O-Seal.
Because of its superior look, Dill says, the product line has been well received by the swimming pool industry.
Currently there are four products in the series: Redwood Deck Drain, Redwood Expansion Joint, Redwood Drain Replacement Top and Redwood Renu-Strip. Together they make up the Deck-O-Drain drainage system, which is also available in traditional plastic.
The system collects and carries water away from pool decks and other patio areas. With Deck-O-Drain, there are no trenches to dig or deep excavations to make.
The Redwood Deck Drain and Redwood Expansion Joint can be installed during remodels and new construction. Both products must be cast into the concrete.
The Redwood Deck Drain is a nondirectional drainage system for decks and patios, while the Redwood Joint acts as a control joint that provides a point of weakness to help control concrete cracking.
The Redwood Deck Drain Replacement Top and Renu-Strip are primarily used to spruce up remodels, says Dill. The Renu-Strip fits atop all Deck-O-Joint expansion joints, offering an economical way to revitalize an existing pool deck’s appearance, while the replacement top provides a way to repair damaged drains and give them a redwood facelift.
“The products can change the existing from the old look of white, tan or grey plastic to a more pleasing redwood look,” says Dill.
In addition to the aesthetic strengths of the Signature Series Redwood product line, the system also provides greater UV stability and better chemical resistance through the use of a superior plastic resin. “The product is co-extruded using standard PVC plastics for the base and a superior plastic resin for the top. The two plastics are heat-fused together during the manufacturing process,” says Dill.
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