
Impact versus Polish:
UDT’s Impact Sealer is a Real Win on Concrete and Terrazzo

Because of its smoothness and seemingly low-maintenance requirements, polished concrete floors are being requested by increasingly more homeowners and architects. However, this traditional method involves multiple steps of diamond grinding and polishing. Overall, polishing is very invasive. It starts with rougher-grit diamonds and moves to finer grits to achieve a […]

A classic sports car in a garage with epoxy flake

Vinyl or Liquid Chips can Create Stunning, Multicolored Epoxy Floors

Today, consumers have options galore when it comes to transforming plain-gray concrete slabs into colorful floors. Choices include broadcasting chips onto an epoxy basecoat. They also include spraying the epoxy with a specially blended material to achieve a terrazzo-like appearance. Typically achieved with vinyl flakes, multicolored floors are gaining a […]

Westcoat’s Grind & Seal system in the entrance of a seafood restaurant

Westcoat’s Grind & Seal System Delivers a Great Alternative for Polished Concrete

Looking for a cost-effective flooring system that’s quick to install and easy to keep clean? Then check out Westcoat’s Grind & Seal, a great-looking alternative for polished concrete. The popular system aims to revive and protect plain concrete in commercial establishments from showrooms to restaurants. Depending on the sealer or […]

Upclose look at a Laticrete finished coated floor

Beauty and a beast:
Coating that inhibits microbial growth
fiercely protects and looks great

Founded in 1786, Lynchburg, Virginia, has more nationally registered historic properties per capita than any city of its size nationwide. It is well-known for the Civil War’s Battle of Lynchburg, which occurred nearly 100 years after its founding. Today, the town’s rural setting offers residents few facilities for comprehensive medical […]

Ultra-Trak in use applying sealer to concrete

Simple and flexible
Machine’s ease of operation key to large grind-and-seal job’s success

For such a simple piece of equipment, Fas-Trak Industries Inc.’s Ultra-Trak offers users a lot of flexibility when it comes to applying densifiers and sealers, says Dan Baird, president of Floor Tech Solutions Inc. The automated application system can apply concrete chemicals at a rate of up to 25,000 square […]

A line up of awards and trophies

Why bother with competitions?
Award winners reap much more than praise

The decorative concrete industry continues to evolve. Subsequently, it’s exciting to see where it started and imagine where it’s headed. However, contractors often overlook one of our industry’s under-utilized evolutions — an array of gainful awards available when entering decorative concrete competitions. Many decorative concrete manufacturers have specific industry awards […]

A hotel with stenciled concrete floors

Stenciled Lobby in Upscale Resort Makes Hotel Inviting Coming and Going

To loosely quote Theodore Roosevelt, nothing in the world is worth doing unless it takes effort. Take for example the Alila Marea Beach Resort Encinitas in San Diego, California, and its exquisitely stenciled polished concrete lobby. “This hotel was challenging, as are many high-end structures,” says Mona Kharouba, superintendent for […]