
Temporary Concrete Gig Turned Into Lifelong Career for This Artisan

When Shawn Halverson first tried his hand at concrete installation, he didn’t intend to make it his livelihood. He got into structural concrete in high school after meeting a contractor who was working on a house for Halverson’s parents, and at the time, he viewed the job as a temporary gig.

Sink Molds, Edge Detail Molds, Tools and Fiber Optics for Concrete Countertops from Infinicrete

For the past three years, decorative concrete artisan Jeff Kudrick has been developing his own sink and countertop molds and decorative concrete tools under the brand name Infinicrete, using them regularly in high-profile projects and distributing them through manufacturing companies Cheng Concrete and SureCrete Design Products.

Fixing Finishes in Polished Concrete on the Front End

The substrate that is used in a work of art has a lot of control over the finished product. Polished concrete is no different. We have seen the beautiful pictures of floors that show fantastic color, reflectivity and clarity. What we don’t see are the shots of poorly finished column block-outs or spalled control joints that were cut with dull saw blades.

Decorative Concrete Hall of Fame: The 2011 Inductees

The Decorative Concrete Hall of Fame was established to honor individuals and companies who have gone beyond the call of duty to help promote decorative concrete as a thriving business and a constantly evolving art form. These individuals’ achievements and their commitment to excellence and innovation have helped the decorative concrete industry grow.