
A hand next to a mohs testing kit

Mohs Testing Will Save Time, Money and Frustration

In an earlier concrete polishing tip, I mentioned there are many options when choosing diamond tooling configurations and grit levels. Now we’re going to learn about another variable to consider, the Mohs testing for polished concrete. Today, we’ll learn how to match a diamond tool’s metal bond to the concrete […]

A grocery store with polished concrete that has been densified.

Was enough densifier/hardener applied to the polished concrete slab?

Densifiers and hardeners for polished concrete are either alkali metal silicates or colloidal silica. When you apply the densifier of choice to concrete and it absorbs into the polished concrete slab, the silicate reacts with the free lime (excess calcium hydroxide) and forms calcium silicate hydrate (CSH gel). This reaction […]

A large skatepark made with Type K cement

Shrinkage-compensating Cement Concrete Can Optimize Performance and Sustainability

Sustainability in concrete is a driving force in today’s built environment. To guide and organize the efforts, a robust collection of initiatives include the LEED program, the International Green Code Council and the Cement Sustainability Initiative, to name a few. Their goal is to improve ecological stewardship practices and minimize […]