
Six new interchanges were created using a double-teardrop shape. Mike Shepherd of Shepherd's Construction Co. Inc. completed work on four of the traffic roundabouts and their associated walkways.

Concrete Streetscapes in Carmel Improve Safety

In 2011, the city of Carmel, Indiana, revamped its major roadway, the Keystone Parkway, as part of a multiphase project to lower the grade under six major intersections. This created new interchanges and no traffic lights for north-south traffic over a five-mile stretch, while six new roundabouts managed east-west traffic. […]

snowshoe tracks on floor at an Alaskan elementary school

Polished Concrete and Epoxy Floor Shimmers with Aluminum Shapes

Photo courtesy of Sheila Wyne A floor at an Alaskan elementary school honored the natural environment and became art that kids can walk on, thanks to Mapei’s Ultratop PC polishable concrete topping. Girdwood, Alaska, 36 miles southeast of Anchorage, is a picturesque year-around resort town with a five-star skiing mountain, […]

Water flowing over cliff

Water-blasting: A Clean Way to Prep Concrete

Chris Finegan, owner of Green-Tec Services in Orange, California, says the biggest drawback he often faces selling his high-pressure water-blasting services is that contractors are concerned the process will inject water into the slab when they prep the concrete. However, nothing could be further from the truth. By quickly hitting […]

Extech's Rugged & Waterproof pH Meter Tackles Water Quality Testing

ExStik™ pH Tester for Concrete

Whether you’re evaluating a prospective client’s existing concrete for estimating purposes or you’re in the process of neutralizing a surface in preparation for resurfacing, Extech’s pH tester ExStik pH100 (aka the ExStik) is a fabulous tool for identifying problem areas. The “ExStik” can be calibrated to 4, 7 or and […]

stamped concrete that looks like woodplanks

Stamped and Textured Concrete are the Foundation of the Decorative Industry

Stamped concrete, also known as textured or embossed concrete, is the most recognized decorative concrete finish. It is also often the first thing people think of when saying the term “decorative concrete.” It is often considered the foundation of decorative concrete. A case can be made that in 1970 the […]