
Use of Penetrating Sealers on Concrete is on the Rise

The decorative industry grew up on the “one size fits all” high-gloss sealer which was the go-to coating for decades. While high gloss is still widely used, low-gloss and natural finishes in the decorative concrete industry have been gaining momentum as homeowners, architects and designers seek more ecofriendly, green and natural-looking sealing options.

How to Seal Concrete for a Uniform Appearance

This issue of blotchy and inconsistent color and gloss created by a sealer is not that uncommon. There are multiple factors that can create this appearance, but the two most common are application — how the sealer was applied — and surface — what the sealer is being applied to in regard to density and porosity.

Step-By-Step Lesson to Drawing a Compass Rose

Ever since I began writing Design Theory, I’ve anxiously awaited medallions. The first one I ever did was exciting and a definite “aha” moment because it changed the direction of my career. At the time, I had just started out working for the company I now own. Back then, all we engraved were 2-foot tile and brick patterns.