
From Standard to Challenging: Custom Concrete Pervious Mix Elevates Project’s Difficulty

When taking on pervious paving contracts, the San Diego-based contractor’s mix design is typically accepted by clients following mock-up, as custom blends can significantly increase a project’s difficulty. Yet, there are always exceptions, with the most recent being the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

Use of Penetrating Sealers on Concrete is on the Rise

The decorative industry grew up on the “one size fits all” high-gloss sealer which was the go-to coating for decades. While high gloss is still widely used, low-gloss and natural finishes in the decorative concrete industry have been gaining momentum as homeowners, architects and designers seek more ecofriendly, green and natural-looking sealing options.

How to Seal Concrete for a Uniform Appearance

This issue of blotchy and inconsistent color and gloss created by a sealer is not that uncommon. There are multiple factors that can create this appearance, but the two most common are application — how the sealer was applied — and surface — what the sealer is being applied to in regard to density and porosity.

Step-By-Step Lesson to Drawing a Compass Rose

Ever since I began writing Design Theory, I’ve anxiously awaited medallions. The first one I ever did was exciting and a definite “aha” moment because it changed the direction of my career. At the time, I had just started out working for the company I now own. Back then, all we engraved were 2-foot tile and brick patterns.