Kemiko Concrete Products – Whittier, Calif.
This elegant color combination is the way to go for a simple design that calls for a two-toned color scheme.
Kemiko Neutra Clean
Kemiko Black Stain, in two batches: Lighter color – 1 part Black Stain to 18 parts water
Darker color -1 part Black Stain to 4 parts water
Kemiko Stone Tone Wax II (Buff On)
– Wash the concrete surface thoroughly with Kemiko Neutra-Clean, using either a slow-speed floor machine with a scrub brush attachment or a long-handled, medium-stiff bristle brush. Then wet-vacuum (preferred) or mop (many moppings may be necessary) to remove all dirt. Allow the floor to dry completely.
– After mixing the stain batches, apply them to the floor with a foam brush, working wet on wet. Apply the lighter color three times (be sure to let each coat dry completely) and the darker color twice.
– After the floor has completely dried, scrub off the residue using a slow-speed floor machine with a scrub brush attachment, Neutra-Clean and water only, or a long-handled, medium-stiff bristle brush, and remove the water-and-residue mixture from the floor with a wet vacuum (preferred) or a mop and squeegee. (Note: If color comes up on a white towel after wiping the floor, clean again.) c Allow the floor to dry completely.
– Apply Kemiko Stone Tone Wax II (Buff On) with a heavy floor-polishing machine (slow speed, 175 rpm) and three attachments, to be used one after the other: a Bassine brush when applying (this stiff natural-bristle brush is the most critical of the three steps when achieving the effect), a medium-bristle brush (Palmyra, Union Mix, or Tampico) when buffing, and a polishing pad (if needed).
– When putting the wax onto the floor, spread a smooth light coating of wax out from the walls (2 to 3 inches) and in the corners out to the radius of the floor machine attachment. Put no more than 1/8 cup of wax on the floor in the center of the first 3-foot to 4-foot square. It will appear wet and dull. Immediately work the wax by spreading and burning it in with the natural stiff-bristle attachment (this may take one to two minutes). Move to the next area, maintaining no larger than a 3-to-4-foot quadrant, and repeat the step only after the wax in the preceding area is giving off a slight glare and the wax ridges have disappeared. Mineral spirits will soften any ridges or excess wax, allowing it to be spread and worked in.
– When you have completed the application phase, change to the medium-bristle brush attachment and buff the entire floor, including your original hand-waxed areas. After buffing, if greater protection is desired, repeat the first phase, applying a thin second coat. Then rebuff. If a slightly higher sheen is desired, buff with the soft polishing pad.