Custom Concrete Creations Inc., which sells interlocking, swiveling stamps to fit curved borders, plans to corner a whole new market by creating new concrete stamp designs.
The company has introduced a circular corner-accent stamp. The designer and president Shawn Daniels says is the first in a series.
The accent that is for sale right now features a plantlike design roughly similar to Custom’s fleur-de-lis stamp pattern. Upcoming designs include a rose pattern, a star pattern and a Greek theme.
Daniels also wants to release a design or two that is simpler than the one found on the first accent. “You’ve got to present patterns everyone wants to use at their home,” he says.
In the border stamp department, the company is preparing several new models. These include an 18-inch interlocking border stamps to complement the 12-inch tools it already sells. The designs — a fancy scrollwork, a rose design and a redesigned dolphin pattern — are expected to be on the market in a couple of months. “Once we test them and people like them, we’ll start selling them,” Daniels says.
For more information about Custom Concrete Creations’ products, visit www.cccbyshawndaniels.com or call (800) 573-8044.