How many times have you wished there was a better way to throw powder release agent down before stamping? Is the handful method comprimising your overall project? Well, here’s a better way to throw concrete color release.
Concrete form release agents, also called form releases, mold release agents or release coatings, are products that prevent concrete from bonding to a surface. They are typically used to coat molds, forms and frames to prevent concrete from sticking to these surfaces as it cures. They can come in many colors.
Use a tampico mason’s brush or cement-koter brush. It is the same brush you use to applying cementious slurry coats. Use it like a scoop and heap the release on the brush right out of the pail. Then, with an outward flick of the wrist away from your body, cast the release out on the slab. Do this just like you’re casting out a line to catch that big fish. Watch where and how the release lands; with a little practice, you’ll be casting like a pro. And who knows, maybe you’ll even want to do a little fishing when you’re done!
Shop Release Agents at the Concrete Decor Store