The Crack-Chaser Blade from Pearl Abrasive Company was designed for more efficient cleaning, routing and repairing of cracks in concrete. Sintered to the core in a V-shaped pattern are the diamond segments, leaving a clean groove for filling. They are 4-inch in diameter and there is an arbor for all popular right angle grinders.
Many decorative concrete artisans and craftsmen use the Pearl Abrasive crack chaser blade to cut artistic designs such as flowers and murals in the concrete. For instance, giving them the ability to cut at varying radius and depths make this a very versatile tool. In addition, you can use this blade to change a narrow sawcut into a V-groove for grouting or simulation of a joint. With this blade and a right angle grinder you’ll be on the cutting-edge of creativity in concrete! For more information, call Pearl Abrasives at 800-969-5561.
About Pearl Abrasives
More than 50 years ago, Max Pearlman founded a small steel fabricating company. After that, the company expanded and became a large user of abrasive products. Because of the growth, the demand for consistently high quality, cost effective abrasives continues to rise. The industry was ready for a customer driven abrasive distributor. Using this philosophy, Pearl has expanded from a small family enterprise into an international corporation selling coated and bonded abrasives, diamond superabrasives and equipment throughout North, Central and South America. (From Pearl Abrasives website)
Crack Chasing Diamond Blades
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