Concrete Decor has made some great improvements this year that I’d like to share with you.
In May we launched the new website, ConcreteDecor.net. The change included some big improvements. Among them is improved organization of our content so you can more quickly find what you’re looking for.
Concrete Decor has always been about supporting the trade. Subsequently, the posted information — as it has traditionally appeared in Concrete Decor magazine — is written for building professionals. Our new online resource includes the annual Product Guide, now called the Product Finder. It also features our annual Training Guide, now called the Events Calendar.
These resources are linked to pages of content on the website. Consequently, you can more easily find professionally oriented information, education and products for a given subject.
To further streamline resources for our online audiences and the industry, we’re building another feature: the Concrete Decor Store. I’m personally having a lot of fun with this new platform. Because of it, I get to work with many of the products we report on in Concrete Decor articles to help you make better informed decisions.
What’s unique about the Concrete Decor Store is it includes products from other supply stores across the country including manufacturers. My hope is someday these will include worldwide sources.
But I can tell you now, it includes companies with people I know you’ll enjoy working with. And each has fair prices and products you may enjoy learning more about. As for us, we’re still about business opportunities that safeguard our industry role while growing your business and reputation.
If you have concerns about our new store affecting our other offerings, I hope you’ll find, over time, that you can trust Concrete Decor more than ever. This brings up another topic I want to address.
Media muttonheads
I can’t tell you how much I despise the many network news organizations today. What’s most frustrating is their misuse of the “news” platform to try to sway audiences. The word “narrative” has become popular language as it endeavors to point fingers at someone else while thwarting another’s.
This offends me. I believe we have a system that allows people to become educated enough to make their own decisions. We don’t need someone else doing that for us. Give me news that educates and leave your nonlinear narrative at home where it belongs.
A narrative is how a story is told and there are different ways this can be accomplished. Using a narrative of interconnected events to tell a story can be one of beauty, intrigue or sadness. On the other hand, it can be a story of deception and dishonesty.
So, while we have the freedom to tell our story any way we choose, I believe media companies — including Concrete Decor — don’t have that privilege to interpret the facts for us. If we’re not reporting true facts, then the alternative is untrue.
If anyone knows me well enough, they should know I don’t shade the truth. As the publisher of Concrete Decor, I have the job of providing information based on traditional Associated Press (AP) style. Moreover, we don’t waver in the effort to present unbiased information.
With that off my chest, I hope you’ll find the ways Concrete Decor uses technology today agreeable. We intend to support you and your business now and for many years to come.
We hope you continue using Concrete Decor for great information and ideas while exercising services that improve your operational efficiencies.