
New appointed position

Laticrete Names International Division President and COO, Faisal Saleem

Laticrete, a leading manufacturer of globally proven construction solutions for the building industry, has promoted Faisal Saleem to President & COO of the Laticrete International Division. Assuming the full P&L and market development activity of the division, Saleem will report to Laticrete CEO Patrick Millot. In his new role, Saleem […]

concrete stain in a restaurant

Dye or Stain:
Which topical colorant is right for the job?

Architects, designers, customers, owners and most of your staff use the words dye and stain interchangeably. Is there a difference when it comes to choosing a topical colorant? And if so, why does it matter? Turns out the answer is yes and it matters. Stains are ground, insoluble pigment particles […]

New Floor Maintenance Pads – SupraShine by Superabrasive

Superabrasive has launched a new generation of floor maintenance pads – SupraShine. Compared to its existing ShinePro pads, the new SupraShine line features a revamped range of grit sizes and pad options with new colors and new flexible material for outstanding results on about any floor. There are four types […]

New Fly Ash Reclamation Process Introduced by Titan America’s Separation Technologies

Separation Technologies (ST) has commissioned the world’s first industrial scale fly ash drying and electrostatic separation plant. Its aim is to reclaim fly ash from surrounding coal ash impoundment basins. The pilot facility is located at Talen Energy’s Brunner Island Steam Electric Station.  At this facilty, ST’s new proprietary drying […]

2021 ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications and Practices Released

The American Concrete Institute has released the 2021 ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications, and Practices. The ACI Collection is the most comprehensive and largest single source of information on concrete design, construction, materials, and repair. It includes nearly 50 codes and specifications and more than 200 practices – including all […]

ECOncrete Marine Mattresses Installed in Long Island Sound

December 2020 marked the deployment of fifty 150-square-foot nature-inclusive ECOncrete Marine Mattresses, providing large-scale armoring and protection for the Cross-Sound Cable, a 24-mile underwater electrical transmission cable under contract by Eversource and the Long Island Power Authority.  Operated by PSEG Long Island, as agent to LIPA, the cable runs along […]