
Skudo floor protection protects from large equipment like this lift.

Commercial Protection System Helps Deliver Pristine Polished Floors

When Hutton, a large design-build firm based in Wichita, Kansas, outgrew its headquarters, owner Ben Hutton naturally turned to his own resources. He called on Hutton’s in-house architecture and design team to draw up plans for a new facility. In addition, he knew he needed some commercial protection systems in […]

Millionth Visitor “Cements” Success of

Block Strong’s efforts to “build” awareness of the benefits of concrete block construction in Florida single and multifamily homes achieved a major milestone as recently surpassed 1 million visitors in one year. The consumer-oriented site averages more than 75,000 visitors per month. Block Strong’s primary mission is to help. […]

delaminating polished concrete

Before polishing: Contractors must remove delamination and do repairs

As we discussed in Concrete 101, concrete is a hard, durable surface made up of cement, aggregate and water. It’s the single, largest, volume-building material used worldwide. All totaled, that equates to about 10 billion tons a year. For the most part, concrete does its job, and we hardly ever […]

UDT appoints Chris Boxmeyer

UDT Appoints Chris Patterson Midwest Technical Sales Rep

Ultra Durable Technologies (UDT) has appointed Chris Patterson as the Midwest technical sales representative. Since 2013, Patterson has held a NACE Level 1 Coatings Inspector certification. He also formerly chaired the SSPC North Central Region. SSPC and NACE has since merged and formed the Association for Materials Protection and Performance […]

large curb roller for a custom concrete ditch

Curb Roller Manufacturing Offers Custom Drums for Challenging Pours

Curb Roller Manufacturing, the world leader in shaped concrete roller screeds, makes challenging concrete pours achievable with specially designed custom drums. Leveraging the experience and success the company encountered with the launch of the curbing machine and custom drum shapes, Curb Roller ventured into a new area where their shaped […]