
ACI New Position Statements

ACI Honors Outstanding Contributions to the Industry – 2020

The American Concrete Institute recognized several professionals, groups, and companies for both outstanding contributions and dedication to the ACI. These entities also contribute to the concrete industry as a whole. The 2020 honorees include the induction of Honorary Members, ACI’s highest honor, which either recognizes persons of eminence in the […]

Hanley Wood Announces Winners of the 2020 Most Innovative Products

Hanley Wood is the housing industry’s leading provider of rich data. It also have the backing of Zonda and Metrostudy. Additionally, they are backed by the industry’s top advisors for residential real estate development and new home construction. Recently, the group announced the winners of the 2020 Most Innovative Products […]

Vertical Carved Concrete Decor Logo

Turning Trade Skills into Your Livelihood

After 10 years in the trades, I decided to take my business education and trade skills in a new direction. I started a trade magazine called PaintPRO. For nearly eight years, that magazine catered to the needs of a nationwide community of painting and decorating contractors. And while big box […]