
BAM Investigates the Use of Earth Block Masonry for Sustainable Housing Construction

The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung is involved in a new project which investigates the use of earth block masonry for sustainable housing construction. The research aims to examine the load-bearing behaviour of EBM in terms of failure mechanisms to ensure the design complies with the generally applicable masonry standard, DIN EN 1996/NA.

Laticrete Launches the First Pumpable Underlayment

Laticrete, a leading manufacturer of globally proven construction solutions for the building industry, has introduced SuperCap SC650-MC, a fine-sanded, pumpable and pourable, low alkali cement-based, premium self-leveling topping that is suitable as a high-strength wear surface or underlayment. SC650-MC is the first high-volume self-leveling underlayment of its kind that flattens floors all while producing durable and low maintenance finished wear surfaces for an all-in-one solution.