
Brian Barnes joins PROSOCO from Helifix

Brian Barnes is the new sales manager for Prosoco’s masonry anchoring products, including masonry restoration anchors and wall ties. The anchoring system of products is part of Prosoco’s recent acquisition of Construction Tie Products (CTP). Barnes offers more than 20 years of experience in the masonry anchoring industry. Previously, he […]

ACI Symposium Releases Online Courses

The American Concrete Institute has added two online, on-demand courses to its ACI University: Ward R. Malisch Concrete Construction Symposium Parts 1 and 2. The courses cover information on concrete constructability issues in honor of Dr. Ward R. Malisch, a former senior managing director and an Honorary Member of ACI. Malisch is presently concrete construction specialist for the American Society of Concrete Contractors.

2019 Concrete Decor Show Focuses on New Products and Demos

Bringing new products to the people is part of what the Concrete Decor Show is all about. The four-day event slated for Oct. 28-31, 2019 at the Arlington Convention Center in Texas will also emphasize demonstrating those new products using state-of-the-art techniques during exhibition days as well as at the show’s workshops and seminars.