
The World Bank, Build Academy, Airbnb and GFDRR to Launch Resilient Homes Design Challenge

The World Bank, Build Academy, Airbnb, and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) have launched a global crowd-solving challenge for designs of Resilient Homes. The goal of this challenge is to generate designs for low-cost and sustainable small houses (under $10,000) for people living in vulnerable areas affected by natural disasters.

NCMA Launches Free Concrete Masonry Continuing Education for Design Community

The National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) has launched a free continuing education course for design professionals hosted by AEC Daily. This course is titled “Concrete Masonry: The Energy Efficiency Solution”, and educates users on the thermal benefits of concrete masonry systems and energy code compliance options.

It Is Critical to Revitalize the U.S. Workforce Development System

At the crossroads of a thriving future society and innovation lies the nation’s construction industry, where everything begins. The backbone of our society rests on the craft professionals who build our hospitals and schools, wire electricity within our homes and bring us indoor plumbing. The perception of craft professionals has […]