
Chemical Surfactants Can Cut Steps in Concrete Polishing

Chemical surfactants such as Prosoco’s Consolideck First Cut and KickStart Clarity Enhancer from Curecrete Distribution’s Retroplate System can boost productivity and improve results in the early grind stages of concrete polishing projects. David Stratton, president of Pacific Decorative Concrete in Sacramento, says there are two main reasons contractors use such […]

New Ultrite Coating Remover from W.R. Meadows

New from W. R. Meadows comes Ultrite Coating Remover, a soy gel that effectively lifts a wide range of one-part topical coatings, such as sealers, acrylics, urethanes, latexes and lacquers, etc. from a variety of surfaces including concrete, masonry, wood, and metal. Ultrite Coating Remover can remove multiple layers in one application without vigorous scrubbing.

Cleaning Concrete Correctly is Critical Before Applying Coatings

Preparing concrete correctly before applying a coating helps to ensure the coating’s success. Contractors must carefully evaluate the substrate and its condition to determine what cleaner or degreaser is needed for cleaning concrete. They must also take care in how to properly apply it. “The objective in preparation is to […]

Western Specialty Contractors Uses Concrete Repair Technology to Protect Workers

Manual concrete chipping can be a dusty, noisy endeavor that subjects workers to risks of injury and illness. When extensive overhead hammering is required on a job, such was the case when Western Specialty Contractors – Springfield, Illinois branch restored the City of Springfield’s Municipal parking garage recently, the strain on the body can be even greater.