
Euclid Chemical Receives Two Innovative Fiber Project of the Year Awards

Euclid Chemical, a leading manufacturer of concrete and masonry construction products, is pleased to announce it received two Innovative Fiber Project of the Year (IFPY) Awards at this year’s World of Concrete (WOC) – the concrete industry’s largest event for building professionals. Presented by the Fiber Reinforced Concrete Association (FRCA), […]

Versatile Increases Stock of Popular Polyurea Crack & Spall Filler for Concrete Repair

Versatile has increased the stock of its 4930 Polyurea Crack and Spall Filler due to its popularity. Increasing the stock allows Versatile to execute its goal to ship the product out to customers the same day they order it. Versatile’s Polyurea Crack & Spall Filler is a low-viscosity, two-component repair […]

Penetron Liquid Sealer Keeps Moisture and Water out of Olympic Pool Concrete Structure

St Joseph’s College in Hunters Hill (NSW), Australia, inaugurated the school’s new Olympic class 50m swimming pool and two-story pool house to the campus at the commencement of the 2023 school year in January. Penetron crystalline technology, a Penetron liquid sealer, was applied to provide a permanent waterproofing solution – […]

ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards

ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards Launches Self-Nomination Option for 2023

In an effort to expand project nominations to the American Concrete Institute’s prestigious Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards to a broader audience, the Institute has introduced a new self-nomination option to make it easier for companies and organizations to achieve recognition for their work. Entries for the 2023 ACI Excellence […]

Chaney Enterprises Opens First Concrete Plant in Harford County Maryland

Chaney Enterprises, a ready-mix concrete and aggregates supplier, today announced the acquisition of Holcim’s ready-mix concrete plant in Joppatowne, in Harford County Maryland. This transaction will include both assets and the operational employees. The location will stretch our service market north of Baltimore and up the I-95 corridor. We look […]

Euclid Chemical Selected as Finalist for the 2023 Next Level Awards Program

Euclid Chemical, a leading manufacturer of concrete and masonry construction products, is pleased to announce that its synthetic microfiber product, PSI Fiberstrand REPREVE 225, has been selected as a top 10 finalist for the CONEXPO-CON/AGG Next Level Awards Program. Finalists will be recognized at CONEXPO-CON/AGG and the International Fluid Power […]