
Wagner Meters introduces new pen-style thermo-hygrometer

Wagner Meters has introduced the new pen-style TH-200 Thermo-Hygrometer. This compact digital device is an ideal and convenient tool for flooring installers, woodworkers and inspectors when critical temperature, relative humidity and dew point information must be known. The pen- style design makes for easy carrying, and the three-button controls are […]

UVolve UV-cured coatings now NSF-registered

UVolve Instant Floor Coatings are now registered with NSF International in the Non-Food Compounds R2 Category. The coatings provide proven robust protection within the food and beverage industries, including in processing, handling, packaging and storage facilities. UVolve coatings ensure a fast, cost-saving return to service because, unlike conventional coatings, they […]

Study: Two-component waterborne polyurethane sealers work well

A Bayer MaterialScience LLC scientist studied the use of two-component, ultra-low-VOC waterborne polyurethane sealers with decorative concrete options to achieve durability and aesthetic targets. Due to the increased demand for higher-durability concrete sealers, this waterborne polyurethane technology is considered to be a replacement for the acrylic stain-guard products currently being […]