
Getting the Most Out of Decorative Concrete Educational Opportunities

The cold truth is that our industry has seen its share of truly talented decorative concrete individuals fail, and it’s not because they weren’t good at their craft. Today’s artisans must be more than talented — they must be capable of overlaying talent with an entrepreneurial spirit. That’s where training and education comes in.

Dark and light areas of this concrete overlay give a geometric look to the space.

Two Systems from Westcoat Combat Moisture Issues

Second-story decks are popular outdoor spaces in both residential and commercial buildings. But, unless there is some sort waterproofing in place, the space underneath is essentially useless. Weather, over time, can even destroy it. In order to help combat moisture problems, Westcoat Specialty Coating Systems offers two popular and proven […]

Taking a Chance on Concrete Staining, Gaye Goodman, Faux Real LLC

Longtime artist and acid stain master Gaye Goodman, 66, wasn’t always a guru of colored concrete.

She spent the early part of her career creating batiks and abstract paintings. Forms found in nature often served as her inspiration. She finally landed in the decorative concrete industry and truly blossomed.