Latest offers e-commerce has been relaunched as an ecommerce store, allowing customers to place orders for decorative concrete supplies 24 hours a day. Products on the new site include acid and pigmented stains, acrylic sealers, epoxies, urethanes, accessories, templates, stencils and concrete engraving tools. Concrete Resurrection maintains free, ongoing tech support for […]

New edition of ASTM sustainability standards

A new edition of ASTM International Standards on Sustainability in Building, a compilation that includes 150 ASTM standards that address sustainability or aspects of sustainability relative to building, including sustainable design, construction and operation of buildings, is available on CD-ROM. The collection includes all of the ASTM International standards referenced […]

ChemMasters introduces new brochure

ChemMasters Inc. has introduced new product literature showcasing its extensive line of concrete cures, concrete cure-andseals, and concrete sealing products for professional use. Five ChemMasters solvent-based cureand- seal products for concrete are profiled, including those for decorative and broomfinished concrete. Seven water-based concrete cures or cure-and-seal products are discussed. Included […]

Concrete Titan Heavy-Duty Mixing Trailer from Pitts Engineering Works

Pitts Engineering Works LLC has released the Model 125/F Concrete Titan Heavy-Duty Mixing Trailer. An electronically controlled hydraulic system on the 125/F eliminates the mechanical-control valve body of years past. The new electronic control panel controls main power, ignition, remote starting, engine throttle and choke controls, drum direction mode (mix […]

New ASTM standard for self-consolidating mixes

A new ASTM International standard covers an easy way for concrete producers to develop a means of quality control when measuring and maintaining the stability of selfconsolidating concrete mixtures. The new standard is ASTM C1712, Test Method for Rapid Assessment of Static Segregation Resistance of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Penetration Test. […]

Skid steer pump from Blastcrete

Blastcrete Equipment Co. now offers the Model RD6536 Skid Steer Pump Attachment. Featuring a universal design compatible with any skid steer, the 3-inch hydraulic squeeze pump is ideal for ICFs, block fills, form-and-pours, driveways, basements and various shotcrete applications. With the ability to pump grout materials, 3/8-inch shotcrete, and 3/4-inch […]