
Husqvarna Construction Announces Blastrac and Diamatic Surface Preparation Integration

Husqvarna Construction announces plans to further consolidate brands in the surface preparation segment. Over the coming years, the recently acquired Blastrac and Diamatic products, services, and solutions will be rebranded as Husqvarna. Additionally, they will integrate them into the global Husqvarna offering. In January 2021, Husqvarna completed the acquisition of […]

WearCOAT 440FS Epoxy Floor Coating Formulated for Superior Resistance to Amine Blush

To help avoid amine blush, Coatings for Industry, Inc. (CFI) now offers WearCOAT 440FS, a fast-setting epoxy floor coating in a blush-resistant formula. A common issue with cool-temperature floor coating jobs, amine blush is an oily surface imperfection caused by moisture or dew settling on uncured epoxy. While not fatal […]

Mer-Ko Brand acquired

Meridian Adhesives Group Acquires American Sealants Inc

Meridian Adhesives Group (Meridian) announced the acquisition of American Sealants Inc (ASI). Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, ASI specializes in the innovation of both product assembly adhesives and sealants. These dynamic solutions are used in multiple applications and markets, including industrial, DIY, transportation, residential and commercial building, and also construction. […]

Overlay’s Polished Image
Remains Tried and TRU

What makes CTS Rapid Set TRU such an industry leader when it comes to thin, polishable overlays? Speaking from an ingredient’s standpoint, it would be its low-shrinkage cement, says Matt Sambol, vice president of product development for CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp. Belitic calcium sulfoaluminate cement, BCSA for short, shrinks very […]

North Carolina Adopts ACI Concrete Repair Code

North Carolina Adopts ACI Concrete Repair Code

On September 14, 2021, the North Carolina Building Code Council (BCC) voted to accept ACI’s proposal. This proposal would amend the 2018 North Carolina Existing Building Code to reference ACI CODE-562 Code Requirements for the Assessment, Repair and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures. The North Carolina Rules Review Commission subsequently […]