
Portland Cement Association Sample ordinance developed to help local governments

To help local governments implement green building codes, the Portland Cement Association has developed “High- Performance Building Requirements for Sustainability,” a sample ordinance written in mandatory language that amends and appends the International Code Council International Building Code to address high-performance and sustainable buildings. The PCA requirements include the concepts […]

American Society for Testing and Materials Cements get new standard

Rapid-hardening hydraulic cements are used in a variety of applications in which reduced cementitious content is desired or early service is needed. A newly approved ASTM International standard covering these cements, ASTM C1600/C1600M, Specification for Rapid-Hardening Hydraulic Cement, has been developed by Subcommittee C01.13 on Special Cements, part of ASTM […]

New publications released

The American Concrete Institute has introduced four new publications to educate and inform industry professionals on the newest concreterelated information and technology. Titles are: Report on Soil Cement (230.1R-09), Specification for Cast-In- Place Concrete Pipe (346-09), Guide for Specifying Underground Shotcrete (506.5R-09), and Requirements for Design of a Special Unbonded […]

American Concrete Institute Fall 2009 Convention details announced

The American Concrete Institute’s Fall 2009 Convention is set to take place in New Orleans, La., at the New Orleans Marriott, Nov. 8-12. Engineers, architects, contractors, educators, manufacturers and material representatives from all over the world will meet to provide input on concrete industry codes, specifications and guides during 300-plus […]

Mix, transport and pour with Hippo mixing station

CS Unitec’s new Portamix Hippo PMH 70F mixing station allows quick mixing and accurate placement of construction compounds. It allows for cement screeds, grout, mortar, texture coatings, sealants, adhesives and other self-leveling compounds and construction materials to be easily mixed in a short time. With the Hippo PMH 70F, one […]

History of Metal Forms Corp. chronicled in book

A new book written by Tom Miller, president of Metal Forms Corp., details the 100-year history of the family-owned manufacturing company. “Forming the Roadway to Success” features information from many sources, plus hundreds of photos and illustrations. The book also covers Miller’s personal experiences with MFC, along with events relayed […]