
Transforming Outdoor Spaces into Outstanding Spaces

Trying to manage ultraviolet light exposure in California isn’t an easy thing to do, particularly when it comes to its effect on concrete sealers. For Napa, Calif., homeowners, contractors were able to get a handle on the situation, creating a countertop for an outdoor kitchen that still looks great more than a year later.

Portland Cement Association 2009 cement consumption levels predicted

Quick passage of an economic stimulus package followed by the almost immediate start of “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects in 2009 could increase cement consumption for next year, according to a recent report by the Portland Cement Association. Without a stimulus package, 2009 cement consumption was projected to decrease 15.1 percent compared […]

International Concrete Repair Institute Membership numbers reach 2,000

The International Concrete Repair Institute, a nonprofit association dedicated to the repair, restoration and protection of concrete and other structures, passed the milestone of 2,000 members in February 2009. ICRI has seen a steady growth in new memberships as well as an increase in membership renewals during the past six […]

Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association New training DVD released

The Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association has released a new instructional DVD and video titled “Flat Sawing and Blade Safety.” The video helps provide operators with the skills and knowledge required for safe and effective flat sawing, along with addressing important issues such as proper blade-tightening techniques. Safe working practices […]