
Propane grinders get starring roles

Amano Pioneer Eclipse Corp. announces the formation of its PowerStar Division, a line that includes high-performance propane grinding and polishing equipment. Focused on the complete care of concrete and stone surfaces, PowerStar offers affordable, fully integrated system solutions that work without electrical cords or generators. The company also offers chemicals, […]

Scofield debuts sealers, densifier

New Scofield Revive and Revive VOC-colored sealers are solvent-borne, color-matched sealers and curing compounds developed to improve the color uniformity of concrete surfaces. Scofield Revive colored sealer improves the appearance of interior or exterior colored concrete flatwork, as well as flatwork with imperfections due to application or wear and tear. […]

Alliance produces guide for reducing silica exposur

In an attempt to educate workers and prevent silicosis, the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration have developed and released a fact sheet entitled “Reducing Silica Exposure Fact Sheet.” The new Alliance Best Practice on silica outlines the best practice for employers and employees […]

ACI releases new publications

The American Concrete Institute announces the availability of several new publications and CD-ROMs. 440R-07: Report on Fiber-reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures — In addition to the material properties of constituent materials (that is, resins and fibers) and products, this document offers up-to-date knowledge of fiber-reinforced polymer applications, such as […]

ProSpec catalog released on CD-ROM

ProSpec, Bonsal American Inc.’s brand of commercial construction products, has released an electronic version of its architectural products binder. The CD contains product catalogs, technical data sheets and material safety data sheets covering ProSpec’s three major product lines: Concrete Repair & Restoration, Floor Repair & Rehabilitation, and Tile & Stone […]

Web site encourages green building

The U.S. Green Building Council, with support from planned-community developer Newland Communities, has launched, a new Web site that will give homeowners, home buyers, renters, landlords and others the tools they need to ensure their homes are as healthy and environmentally friendly as possible. The Green Home Guide details […]