
LEED certification requirements increase

Energy performance requirements within the LEED Green Building Rating System will increase by 14 percent as part of the climate change agenda of the U.S. Green Building Council. USGBC membership overwhelmingly passed a vote for all LEED-certified projects to achieve at least two “Optimize Energy Performance” points, which will improve […] has debuted its Web-based database has debuted its Web-based database of more than 30,000 products from more than 6,000 manufacturers. The database helps architects, engineers and builders locate tools and materials in seconds. Developed using the most current CSI Index, Profoundit. com is a user-friendly resource. Users are able to find a product and […]

Curb-King has launched

Curb-King, manufacturer of curbing machines, has launched to help consumers in the United States find landscape curbing contractors in their area. This free service helps consumers and contractors communicate in an efficient, timely manner. Landscape curbing is a concrete border used between lawns and flower gardens. The durable product […]

New Website Resource Now Available

The Web site of the American Concrete Institute now offers the Concrete Knowledge Center, a resource for users to quickly find practice-oriented information useful in the design, construction, and repair of concrete and concrete structures. Troubleshooting topics are presented in a question-and-answer format with an instantly accessible bibliography. ACI members […]

Concrete Polishing Solutions Cat 5 dust extractors

When the folks at Concrete Polishing Solutions designed Cat 5 Dust Extraction equipment for the grinding, polishing, and surface preparation industries, they took as inspiration their years of experience as contractors. The Cat 5 series of industrial dust collectors are ruggedly built for operator friendliness, superb dust capture, high productivity […]

Liquid Stone: New Architecture In Concrete – Now published

“Liquid Stone: New Architecture In Concrete” was published by Princeton Architectural Press with the help and support of the Lafarge Group as part of its Creative Materials initiative. Co-author Jean-Louis Cohen is an architect and professor of architectural history at the University of Paris and the Institute of Fine Arts, […]

Failed Sotne Book Now Out in Print

“Failed Stone: Problems and Solutions With Concrete and Masonry,” written by Patrick Loughran, is aimed principally at architects and engineers and their clients. However, it may intrigue concrete contractors and artisans as well. Published by Birkhauser and distributed in the United States by Springer, it’s packed with illustrations and information […]