
Blastrac debuts shot-blaster, rideon scraper, scarifier line

The new Blastrac 1-8DPS30 is a selfpropelled 8-inch shot-blasting system used to prepare concrete surfaces prior to the application of paint, coating or overlays. The 1-8DPS30 is designed for small or medium-sized jobs up to 8,000 square feet. The shot-blaster works well around immobile equipment and obstructions on industrial floors, […]

Decorative Curbmaking Machines 227 and 205 curb-making machines

Decorative Curbmaking Machines Inc. makes the only patented hydraulic auger-driven curb-making machine. Robert Parrish and his father Walter, a hydraulics engineer, invented the model 207 and model 225 machines. These machines extrude true concrete, unlike competitors that can only extrude mortar. True concrete lasts much longer than mortar and is […]

Tygar Bengal TG1000 curb machine and Ultimate Curbing Package

Tygar Manufacturing LLC has designed the Ultimate Curbing Package as a complete turnkey solution for contractors. Capable of producing both commercial and residential concrete borders, Tygar’s package includes the Bengal TG1000 Curb Machine, the SC1000 Sabertooth Sod Cutter, a custom curbing trailer with attached concrete mixer, and all the necessary […]

Curbmate 509 extruder

Curbmate Corp.’s new Curbmate 509 Commercial/Residential Extruder is billed as “The Fastest, Best Compacting, Most Versatile Extruder.” The 509 is powered by a 4-horsepower Honda engine with centrifugal clutch and speed adjustment. Smooth, hard compaction handles aggregate easily, cutting trowel work time and eliminating voids. The undercarriage, forms and rams […]