
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Position papers offer insight on concrete

ASCC has published three new position papers: “Birdbaths on Concrete Slabs” (#7) explains why birdbaths are an unavoidable result of a flatness tolerance. “Bugholes in Formed Concrete” (#8) deals with acceptance of formed concrete surfaces. “Slab Thickness Tolerances” (#9) cites statistical data from as-built slabs and concludes that tolerances for […]

AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE ACI offers new info on concrete repair

The American Concrete Institute is offering valuable “how-to” documents for five commonly used concrete repairs. These documents will be available, free of charge, for a limited time on the American Concrete Institute’s website — The bulletins cover the following topics: Structural Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection Crack Repair by […]