
ZipWall’s Pioneering “Dust Wall” System Isolates Concrete Dust in Work Areas

It doesn’t matter how good your dust recovery system may be, but when it comes to working indoors a dust control barrier system is imperative to maintaining clean and happy customers. ZipWall is the award-winning product that offers an effective method to isolating the dust and debris that’s associated with concrete cutting, profiling, or other applications.

To get this polished concrete looking floor add color to the concrete sealer prior to applying the concrete sealer.

How Adding Color to Concrete Sealers Creates Beautiful Effect

Creating Beautiful Effects Takes Knowledge and Practice One of the least expensive and most practical ways to add decorative effects to a concrete project is to add a color to the finishing sealer. While many contemporary projects are using integral coloring or color hardeners, tinting sealers offer an alternative that […]

New Southwest concrete homebuilder show

The first Southwest Regional Concrete Home Builder Show is scheduled for September 5–6, 2002, in San Antonio, Texas. Permanent Buildings & Foundations magazine (www.permanent the business newsmagazine for the concrete builder and the Cement and Concrete Promotion Council of Texas have joined to launch the new show which will […]

Decorative Resurfacing of Cracked Concrete Balconies

More often than not, decorative resurfacing begins with some type of repair, whether it be patching of small holes before a chemical stain, thin repair of spalled concrete, crack repair, or a full depth structural repair. This article will discuss a project requiring both repair and prevention of recurring cracks on post-tensioned concrete decks.

How To Enhance Concrete With Stenciling

To enhance newly-poured concrete or to rejuvenate existing concrete, stenciling is a decorative application worth considering. It may seem like a simple process, but a few fine points separate nice-looking, profitable stencil jobs from the rest. We’ve asked some experienced stencilers for tips to elevate your stenciling jobs from so-so […]