For as long as he can remember, Joshua Thiel has had a passion for creating and building while also finding innovative solutions to problems. After going to school for mechanical engineering and spending years fabricating and learning how to work with different materials, it seemed like a natural fit to dive into concrete.
Tag: Countertop Forming
Marketing Interview with Fu-Tung Cheng
A marketing professional discovered the genius of Fu-Tung Cheng after he decided to renovate his home with concrete countertops.
Concrete Countertop Edge Forms Get National Exposure on Television
The DIY Network is taking the lead in producing TV show episodes about decorative concrete.
How to Reinforce Your Concrete Countertop
Proper reinforcing and good mix design go hand in hand to prevent problems with concrete countertops. The materials you use for reinforcing are just as important as those you select for your mix. To understand which materials are best for reinforcing your concrete countertop, you first need to understand how reinforcing works.
Preparing Your Concrete Countertops for Topical Sealers
The steps you take with your wet-cast or GFRC countertops prior to sealing them will affect sealer success more than the actual application of the sealer. It’s important to gain an understanding of what your concrete is doing, or more importantly, what you are doing with your concrete.
Concrete Kitchen with a Granite Island
Right at the start, we decided that the focal point of the kitchen would be the island. At that time we were unsure about what material we would use for the island top, so we went on a quest. We spent several days visiting virtually all of the natural stone distributors in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
enVisions Casting Mat from PreiTech Corp.
It’s hard to describe enVisions using words alone. The plastic casting mat, which is laid into a countertop form before the concrete is poured, creates a genuinely unique, shimmering visual effect on a concrete surface.
Comprehensive Forming Systems from Preitech
The market for concrete countertops has grown dramatically in recent years, and savvy contractors are broadening their skills to address the growing demand for them. However, many have found these projects to be challenging for two main reasons.
Concrete Countertops Push the Limits of Creativity
It’s pretty easy to create a concrete countertop that looks like a garage floor. But branching out from flatwork to countertops means embracing completely different ideas on aesthetics and performance, not to mention learning different skills. Mike Moncrieff has made the leap.
Cheng Design Awards Best in Concrete Countertop Design
Concrete countertop guru Fu-Tung Cheng saluted his latest group of top proteges at January’s World of Concrete.