In our day-to-day work, a lot of what we do is very tactical. We work up a proposal, order new materials or have equipment maintained. Although important to survive and grow in the long term, sometimes we must step back and think more strategically. An easy way to take a […]
Tag: Customer Service
Are you competitive?
Pricing for profit –
You get what you negotiate
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” This is very insightful and still holds true today, maybe more than ever. A relentless search for lower cost is par for the course among owners and general contractors, and […]
Business Owners Should Improve Communications, Create Vision Statements
During the past year as I was firing up my independent consultant firm once again, I found myself wondering what would be “the” thing to make the biggest contribution for my clients, now that polishing concrete is well on its way? Let me explain. There are now actual polished concrete […]
Concrete Maintenance Programs Can Cement Client Relationships
Concrete is a very durable material and some contractors and a lot of their clients believe it’s a maintenance-free product. But the reality is that no product lasts forever, not even concrete, without occasional maintenance.
Concrete Expectations: Set the Bar Properly at the Onset
Setting the bar properly for your clients on the onset ensures happier customers in the long run.
Expectation Management Should Be Part of Conversation with Customers
Have you ever been in the process of completing or had just completed what to you was an amazing architectural concrete project only to be told by your client:
“It’s not what I was expecting.”
“Meh! It looks kind of ‘blah.’ I thought the color would ‘pop’ more.”
“I don’t like it.”
For Bomanite Personal Relationships are Part of the Plan
A good marketing strategy was only part of the overall picture. Just as crucial to Bomanite’s long-term franchising game plan was the networking — the sharing of expertise and innovations among the highly diverse and widely dispersed franchisees.
Contractor Gives Tips On Different Ways To Manage Your Customer’s Expectations
As a former contractor, manufacturer and now basically an owner’s representative on most projects, I’d like to share a relatively simple formula that will handle this issue for 90 percent of your projects.
Re-ignite Your Spark of Passion for Decorative Concrete
The fear that we may lose touch with the concrete artistry in our industry is a legitimate feeling. It seems like more and more projects require firm decisions and designs before they ever reach our eyes. Are we losing the chance to add our expertise, advice and artistic touch to decorative projects?
Good Communication is Your Key to a Successful Decorative Concrete Business
The difference between a professional contractor and an unprofessional contractor often comes down to communication. Obviously, the quality of your work goes a long way.