Originally called Chattahoochee stone because the smooth rock was dredged out of that river, Epoxy Stone from McKinnon Materials in Tampa, Florida, is a wonder worker. The coating system, available in 16 colors, is also known as river rock and pebble epoxy. Aesthetically, it resembles exposed aggregate without the cement […]
Tag: Driveways
Father Knows Best:
Concrete contractor shifts
to trade’s decorative side
Ben Bass, a second-generation concrete contractor, grew up surrounded by plain-gray concrete. While his dad, who passed away in 2007, was alive he urged his son to get into the decorative side of concrete. But it wasn’t until about two-and-a-half years ago that Bass realized his father knew best. About […]
Stenciling Concrete Driveways
Can Direct Business Your Way
If you’re looking to boost a home’s curb appeal, stenciling a plain-Jane concrete driveway could be your golden ticket. “Herringbone brick is the most popular pattern we do,” says Bob Murphy, owner of Distinctive Concrete Coatings in Leesburg, Florida. “Everyone loves that.” Murphy founded the company some 25 years ago […]
Using the Right Sealer for Your Climate
For years, Tyler Stephens, owner of Stephens Concrete Sealing in Indianapolis, used to use your typical film-forming sealer on his outdoor concrete projects. “It left a little sheen behind and had nice curb appeal, but it didn’t bead water the way penetrating sealers do,” he says.
Shipping and Receiving Ramp Gets Concrete Makeover
As part of the Aagen Group’s renovation of its facilities in Houston, the Business Flooring Specialists refurbished the company’s shipping and receiving ramp. The ramp was showing wear and tear and also needed its traction improved — especially when it was wet.
Replacement Coating Resolves Hotel Traffic Jam
There’s often a right way and a wrong way to go about choosing and installing a coating for a job. Jeremy St. Clair, technical director of Orange, California-based Kretus Group, made certain to go the extra mile for a project his company recently supplied in San Diego. Ironically, Kretus had […]
California Artisan Focuses on Concrete Restoration and Repair
Kevin Brown is a soft-spoken, humble-yet-accomplished man who got into the business of concrete work through his family. As he describes it, he knew from a young age that he wanted to follow in the family footsteps.
In Search of New Revenue? Offer Concrete Resealing Option as Part of Your Bid
What if I told you that you could get paid over and over again for a project you completed a year or two ago. Would you be interested? No, this isn’t some slick marketing idea or even a take-off of a multilevel marketing or pyramid scheme. Rather, this is working smarter not harder with a fair amount of common sense mixed in.
Young Professional Finds Success with Long Time Friend in Concrete
When you’re 22 years old, it’s hard to seriously imagine that you could be one of the founders of your own business with some friends and succeed in doing it.
Concrete Streetscapes in Carmel Improve Safety
In 2011, the city of Carmel, Indiana, revamped its major roadway, the Keystone Parkway, as part of a multiphase project to lower the grade under six major intersections. This created new interchanges and no traffic lights for north-south traffic over a five-mile stretch, while six new roundabouts managed east-west traffic. […]