Not everything we write or receive ends up in Concrete Decor. We have a section on the website for “Online Exclusives,” things that we don’t have space for in the magazine but are too good not to share.
Tag: Industry Perspective
10 Milestones in the History of Concrete
Concrete is a remarkable material with origins stretching back to antiquity. Concrete and its primary ingredient, cement, have changed a lot over the years, but the following timeline helps bring the history of this important material into the present day.
10 Noteworthy Products in the Decorative Concrete Industry
Decorative concrete artisans are not only a creative bunch. They also are quick to figure out if there’s a better way to do something. Some of our top 10 noteworthy products from recent years are about more-efficient production while others involve cool technology that we hope will soon make its way into the forefront of daily work.
Re-ignite Your Spark of Passion for Decorative Concrete
The fear that we may lose touch with the concrete artistry in our industry is a legitimate feeling. It seems like more and more projects require firm decisions and designs before they ever reach our eyes. Are we losing the chance to add our expertise, advice and artistic touch to decorative projects?
From the Publisher’s Desk Feb/March 2015
Each new edition of Concrete Decor provides invaluable insights and perspective from our industry columnists. The magazine also contains focuses on projects that constantly aim to unlock the best practices for turning ordinary concrete into finishes that challenge traditional building and finishing methods.
Experts Weigh In on What’s Coming in the Decorative Concrete Industry
We asked everyone the same set of questions. It wasn’t easy to approach this, given our friends’ varied experiences and applications. Perhaps the first challenge to looking ahead this way is defining the industry in general.
The Projection of Polished Concrete in Silicon Valley
Concrete Decor asked Bay Area Concrete’s president, Mike Price, a number of questions about the phenomenon of polished concrete in the high-tech area of California’s Silicon Valley. That discussion follows.
Funny, Absurd and Just Off the Wall: The Year in Review
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The days are growing shorter and the leaves are off the trees, being blown around — and into your concrete work — by the forthcoming winds of winter.
Hot New Markets in Decorative Concrete
The best training and the best products mean nothing if we can’t find projects to prove our talent, right? I’m not going to sugarcoat our plight – I have been peddling decorative concrete for nearly 20 years and have never seen as many challenges as the ones we face today. Having said that, my goal is to have the best year possible, and I’m going to let you in on a secret as to how this will be done.
The Allure and the Reality of Polishing Concrete
It has become pretty clear that polished concrete is the hot market in decorative concrete right now. There was no shortage of equipment and chemical manufacturers touting the latest and greatest at the show, with each making a case for why their system was the best option on the market.