Decorative concrete is an incredibly versatile and durable choice for enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any outdoor area—from driveways and patios to walkways and beyond. Whether stamped, stained or polished, decorative concrete quickly adds character to an otherwise monotonous space. However, to maintain these surfaces at their best, it’s essential […]
Tag: Maintenance
Tips and Tricks: Concrete Countertop Maintenance
From "food-safe" to "sacrificial coating," kitchen concrete countertop maintenance will have you upgrading your vocabulary along with your tool kit. Here’s how to speak the language.
Polished Concrete Maintenance is a Must to Ensure a Long Life
Like many in the restaurant industry, we have converted our dining room floors over to polished concrete. Many people believe that a correctly installed polished floor is a one-time thing. It’s concrete, right? It’ll last forever. This is only true when you understand and implement a proper maintenance plan. Otherwise […]
Extend the Life of a Deck Coating Beyond the Industry Standard with Routine Maintenance
The industry standard and rule of thumb for the life cycle of a typical parking garage deck coating is five years. If a contractor says it’s less or says they can’t get any more life out of a deck coating beyond five years, facility managers and owners should look for […]
Consider Clean-and-seal as an Alternative Finish for Interior Concrete Floors
When someone calls us for a quote about sealing their concrete, it’s usually a driveway, sidewalk, patio or pool deck. Sealing exterior concrete surfaces that get exposed to Mother Nature 24/7/365 with her summer heat and winter snow and ice makes sense to customers and contractors alike.
Maintaining Educational Facility Facades Just as Important as Maintaining Their Interiors
It’s back to school time and facility managers are busily preparing their buildings’ classrooms, gymnasiums, cafeterias and other interior spaces for the rush of students returning from summer break. Obviously, an important task, but how much consideration should you give to ensuring that the building’s exterior façade is also ready? […]
Maintenance Plans Can Potentially Please Both Parties
If done right, polished concrete — and other decorative concrete approaches — offer low-maintenance solutions in interior and exterior settings.
That’s “low-maintenance” as opposed to “no-maintenance” or “maintenance-free.”
What is the Best Way to Maintain Polished Concrete?
On a regular basis, many of us are asked: “What is the best way to maintain polished concrete?” Is there one method proven to be superior?
In this article, we’ll explore some field testing reviews and compare traditional DIPs (diamond-impregnated pads) to a newer floor maintenance system involving composite resin abrasives (CRAs).
Tips for Taking Care of Sprayers for Concrete
David Dalton of Sprayers Plus — a supplier of spray tools for a wide range of uses — suggests these tips pertaining to sprayer care and maintenance.
Decorative Concrete Maintenance from a Customer’s Perspective
The maintenance for polished concrete is simple. Basically, you sweep it regularly, scrub it on a schedule with appropriate cleaners and burnish it a few times a year. This sounds simple, right? In some cases, this works out perfectly. In others, not so much.